There's nothing I love more than learning that everyday designs have unexpected and often ingenious origins. It's a reminder that curiosity is the mother of invention- that even the simplest things we take for granted can result from somebody's inventive spirit.

Take, for example, the invention of the printing press. You've likely heard of Johannes Gutenberg's famous invention that paved the way for mass literacy. But did you know that Gutenberg's design was inspired by a humble wine press (and a few curious additions?)

Born in the German town of Mainz in the early 1400s, Johannes Gutenberg was a goldsmith by trade. In those days, goldsmiths were highly skilled artisans who created beautiful jewelry and delicate metalwork.

Gutenberg ran into a career-defining moment when his metal mirrors failed to sell. Fortunately, rather than give up on his career, Gutenberg got creative to adapt his skills.

For years, putting ink to paper for publications required a labor-intensive process of copying text by hand. Gutenberg utilized his goldsmith skills to develop an ancient “copy and paste” method by using a winepress screw mechanism to press metal letter blocks evenly onto paper. Suddenly, it was possible to print multiple copies in a shorter amount of time.

Gutenberg's invention profoundly impacted the world, ushering in a new era of mass literacy and knowledge. While we often focus on the outcome of Gutenberg's invention- namely, the mass production of books, it was the journey that got him there. Gutenberg's willingness to combine his trade skills with his inventive spirit led to the creation of one of the most important inventions in human history.

When you find yourself at a crossroads in your innovation, take a page from Gutenberg's book and look at concepts with fresh eyes. By taking inspiration from the concepts of other industries, you may just stumble upon the next big thing.

The Innovator's Handbook

Want to learn more about how history's innovative minds can inspire us to create new concepts and bring them to life? Check out The Innovator's Handbook: A Short Guide to Unleashing Your Creative Mindset. In the Innovator's Handbook, I've brought together my experience as a designer, entrepreneur, and educator to show you how to unleash your creativity and bring new ideas to life. The book is packed with stories of real-world innovators and practical exercises to help you think like an inventor.